Flevocampus Essay Series

‘Landschapspijn’ (literally trans. landscape pain or landscape torment) it is the loss of biodiversity, healthy food, soil degradation; our food system is unravelling. We need to change.
Flevocampus and Food Hub approached Wunderwald with the question to design an attractive essay series to discuss food issues on several levels: a global scale (macro level), a regional scale and the environment of the urban consumer (micro level).
De buik van de stad, the first essay book in this series, contains essays by Hidde Boersma, Yvonne Faber, Janno Lanjouw, Joris Lohman, Ron Methorst, Martin Scholten, Peter Smeets and Sigrid Wertheim-Heck. These writers question the ideas and assumptions of the reader and offer a nuanced perspective on the future of our food.
The cover is an appealing bright blue, which immediately stands out. We decided on basic black and white illustrations for the inside of the booklet, with clean, straight lines to communicate the concepts of the essays. We choose a classic serif font for the texts and a sans serif font for the headers of the texts.
‘De buik van de stad’ has been made possible by the Flevocampus and publishing house Van Gennep.

A couple of months after the publication of ‘De buik van de stad’ the essays were translated in to English. We designed a new edition of the bundle for an English audience, called Feeding the city.

Following the success of the first volume, the sequel is Boze boeren, LED-lampen en kipdino’s.
13 prominent thinkers are answering the question: how to feed the city in 2019? How do we ensure that the increasing urban population is supplied with enough healthy food? How can cities preserve biodiversity? And what explains the success of a chicken nugget in the form of a dinosaur? These are all questions that require answers. The 2nd essay bundle in the series contains contributions from Carolyn Steel, the British author who caused a furore with her bestseller The Hungry City, Lex Boon, the freelance journalist who published Ananas and Herman Lelieveldt, political scientist who wrote The Food Paradox. In addition, scientists such as Professor Louise Vet and environmentalists Wouter van Dieren give their views on what is wrong with the current food system. The bundle is again commissioned by the Flevo Campus.