Dier & Recht

Organisation Dier & Recht approached us to design a campaign to raise awareness about the dairy and meat meat industry.
More and more people are becoming aware that the excessive consumption and production of meat and dairy is destroying our planet and polluting our environment. Not to mention the animal suffering. Important institutes advise us to eat less animal products and much more vegetable products. The Dutch government follows these recommendations.
The Dutch government is committed to promote a more sustainable diet with less animal and more vegetable proteins. At the same time, the Dutch dairy and meat industry receives millions of euros of subsidies from the European Union to increase the consumption of dairy and meat! Dier & Recht argues to stop this painful promotion of dairy and meat products. In the period 2017-2020, the Dutch livestock sector received more than 6 million euros to advertise chicken meat, veal and dairy.
We designed the main campaign image as well as a series of infographics to explain several issues.
Illustrations together with Kirsten Fiol, graphic design together with Merel Calkoen.
Read the Dier & Recht report here