Samen tegen voedselverspilling

The initiative ‘Samen tegen voedselverspilling’ (‘United Against Food Waste’) aims to cut food waste by half in the Netherlands. The initiator of this project is the Circular Economy in Food Task Force, which consists of a large number of commercial companies, research institutes, civil society organisations and government bodies.
At this moment, a third of the food prepared across the world is wasted. The Circular Economy in Food Task Force and Food Cabinet asked Wunderwald to develop a complete identity for the collective ‘Samen tegen voedselverspilling’, helping the initiative to reach the ambitious-but certainly not impossible-goal of 50% less food waste in the Netherlands in 2030. We choose for combination of a dark blue with green colour scheme and made a distinctive logo, which can be adjusted to the Task Force member’s colours.
Wunderwald built a dynamic website for the project as well, which shares the project’s values, builds engagement and visualizes the goals for 2030.

The Circular Economy in Food Task Force has 25 members, including Rabobank, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality, McDonald’s Netherlands, Voedingscentrum, and Wageningen University & Research. It is the first time that such a large-scale partnership covering the entire food chain has been formed.